6 Smart Reasons to Be A Member of CC&IAOR.
Resources You Can Use: The Cape Cod &
Islands Association of REALTORS®, Inc. is equipped
to handle your questions and calls for specialized help and industry
information. No matter what the on-the-job challenge you're facing,
you can count on your Association to respond quickly and aptly.
Your Association has a wide variety of resources at its fingertips
to help keep you current and competitive.
Lifelong Learning Opportunities: No one
can match the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. educational advantages. Through workshops, seminars, and
conferences, you have a special "pipeline" to new industry techniques
and ideas. Legislative And Regulatory Data: The
Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. plays an active role in government initiatives that are likely
to affect the success, perhaps even the survival, of your company.
We want to give you a voice in the process. The professional staff
at the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. carefully tracks issues in the legislature, courts, and regulatory
agencies, and then interprets these complicated laws and regulations
for you.
Connection To The Industry: When you're
faced with job challenges unique to real estate, it's smart to
talk and network with colleagues who have had similar experiences.
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. holds the collective wisdom of members of all sizes and financial
resources. Swap ideas and compare notes with your fellow REALTORS®
at Association events, or even pursue ongoing friendships with
both mentors and counterparts.
Anticipating The Future: Today there
is no room for surprises in business. You have to be prepared
to manage the challenges ahead. The Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. helps identify those challenges
for members. This helps you anticipate and organize ways to succeed
in the future. A variety of programs and services, both tangible
and intangible, are working on your behalf.
Technology: The Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc. cooperates with
local businesses, schools, and colleges to bring you important
computer software and hardware classes. This powerful knowledge
enables you to be prepared to compete in an ever-changing and
increasingly technically-driven real estate industry.
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Benefits of Membership
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. monitors the state legislature and keeps a constant watch on
legislative and regulatory issues that affect the way you do business.
As a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®Inc.,
you can be assured that your Association is watching out for your
best interests. The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. can provide you with the following:
- EDUCATION: The Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc. informs members
about legislative issues and the processes that allow for increased
- OUTREACH: Our Association informs members
about pending legislation and related compliance issues.
- ACCESS: As your Association, we serve
as a communication link between state government and key constituents,
groups, and local decision-makers.
- FEEDBACK: Our Association supplies you
with details about the impact pending legislation may have on
your business or segment of society.
As a Member, you have access to a professional
staff who have experience working in and with the state legislature.
This valuable experience is useful when you have an issue that is
important to you or when you need advice on the best way to approach
a situation. The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. legislative staff works with state and local decision makers
to further the best interest of REALTORS®, enabling
you to conduct your business in a more competitive manner.
Today's real estate market is changing faster than ever. There are
constantly more rules and regulations affecting your industry as
a result of new federal, state and local legislation. The Code of
Ethics is also regularly updated and amended to reflect these additions.
These changes can often be confusing and, in some cases, lead to
serious trouble if not adhered to properly. As a member of the Cape
Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS® Inc.,
you get quick, courteous and accurate answers to questions on issues
such as lead paint, agency disclosure, Code of Ethics and Arbitration,
license law, fair housing and more.
Your education didn't end on the last day of school. For many of
our members, our Association is the "after-college" college, offering
courses that allow them to keep abreast of the latest information
and trends. Educational interchange enables the Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc. to fill gaps in technical
training, share the latest management techniques, and translate
general discoveries and principles into concrete practices.
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc.'s Education Department has long enjoyed a reputation of outstanding
quality and innovation in educating its members. As a member of
the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc., you have the opportunity to upgrade and diversify your skills
by taking advantage of programs offered at the local, state and
National Association levels. Scores of in-depth programs, courses
and seminars on a wide range of real estate related subjects are
offered annually. Specialized training leading to designations such
as ABR, CRB, CRS, GRI and certification in your chosen field assures
you the competitive edge needed to succeed.
A few of the educational programs which have recently
been offered are:
- A seminar on the new Lead Paint laws. This
seminar was instrumental in helping REALTORS® better
understand the often confusing lead paint laws.
- Seminars on Agency Disclosure and the impact
Dual Agency has on REALTORS®. These seminars addressed
the issue of proper time and method of disclosure of agency relationships
and the controversial Dual Agency legislation, which was recently
filed with the Massachusetts Legislature.
- A seminar on tax tips and benefits for the
independent contractor and time management for REALTORS®.
This seminar helped to give our members the tools they need to
be more efficient and hold on to more of what they earn.
These are just a few of the many programs
which have been offered. If you would like a complete list of currently
offered programs, please view the Calendar
of Events.
As part of your membership to the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc., you have access to the Massachusetts
Association of REALTORS® attorneys who can assist
you on real estate related matters. You also have the comfort in
knowing that, as an additional member service, the Cape Cod &
Islands Association of REALTORS®, Inc. retains the
services of a well respected team of attorneys who help the professional
staff at the Association interpret certain Massachusetts General
Laws, Regulations and questions relative to the Codes of Ethics.
Members of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®
benefit from the intense REALTOR® image advertising
promotion throughout the year. As a REALTOR® member,
the public is being continually reminded that not everyone who lists
and sells real estate is a member of the Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc. We explain to the
public that as a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. you subscribe to a strict code
of ethics and are up-to-date about the real estate industry. The
Public Relations Department of the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. works hard to bring a fresh, new
look to consumers about the benefits of working with a member of
the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. has made putting members' listings on the Internet a reality,
and it has been made available for FREE! While other Associations
of REALTORS® have paid thousands of dollars to give
their members the opportunity to post their listings on the internet,
the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. has made this option available to all of its members at no
cost. Not now, not ever!! By posting your listings on the Internet,
they are viewed more times in one week than all the major publications
in the country put together.
The Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service Inc. (CC&IMLS)
provides for the orderly collection, correlation and dissemination
of information. The Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service
Inc. was instituted in 1956 by the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. after four years of discussion.
In 1972, the Association's MLS became a separate corporation, namely,
Cape Cod Multiple Listing Service, Inc. The MLS became a very popular
way for consumers to purchase and market property, and now handles
over 7,000 listings per year.
As a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc., you have the right to join and
access, for a fee, (if you are the Principal of an office) the Cape
Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service , Inc. The CC&IMLS
creates a cooperative atmosphere to promote a high level of service
to your clients and customers. Weekly MLS property tours are a good
tool to learn and service your inventory and encourage friendly
cooperation with your fellow REALTORS®.
The Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service
Inc. offers its members a fully computerized online MLS. With your
desktop and/or laptop computers, you can access the CC&IMLS
in your office, home, or on the road. We also offer MLS listing
and comparable books for your reference. E-mail
the Membership Department for information and an application
to join the Cape Cod & Islands Multiple Listing Service Inc.
As a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc., you have access to a large number of books and audio/visual
tapes to help you stay informed and competitive in today's ever-changing
environment. You also have access to the local and National Association
libraries. Through a cooperative agreement between the Cape Cod
& Islands Association of REALTORS®, Inc. and
the National Association of REALTORS®, you have access
by mail to the most comprehensive real estate library in the world.
As a REALTOR®, you and your REALTOR®
associates are bound by a strict Code of Ethics, promoting high
professional standards and integrity in business transactions. A
mechanism exists at the local Association level, through the Grievance
& Professional Standards process, to investigate and handle
As a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®
Inc., you will receive online and printed newsletters packed with
valuable information, including legislative and regulatory updates,
tax code interpretations, articles on Professional Standards and
special topic seminars.
As a member of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®
Inc., you enjoy the benefits of tremendous buying power. This value
of membership allows you to purchase products and services to enhance
the quality of your business and your life. Your Association works
hard, taking advantage of new and innovative programs, which enable
you to obtain the necessary tools to be as competitive as possible.
- Special Advertising Discounts
- Specialty Discounts from companies such
as Jiffy Lube, and Simon Malls.
- Your MLS listings posted on the Internet
with REALTOR.com and HomeAdvisor.com.
These are just a few of the many exciting and
innovative benefits available to you as a member.
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Top Notch Customer Service
Expect the Best
More than a name on a list or a face at events, Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc. members are the reason
this Association exists! You are not only a member of this Association,
you are also a customer, just like at your favorite department store
or neighborhood supermarket. Here's what it means to be a "customer"
of the Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. and the service you can expect:
- Expect the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. to respond in a timely, efficient
and professional manner when you call with a question or concern
- Rely on your Association to do what they say
they'll do. We at the Association know a major source of customer
satisfaction is a promise kept.
- Have confidence in the Cape Cod & Islands
Association of REALTORS®, Inc.'s staff. We are
ready and able to serve members and are knowledgeable, competent,
and willing to respond to your needs.
- Share your opinions and insights when the Association
sends you surveys, questionnaires and evaluations.
- Speak up and let your voice be heard. Customers
must take a proactive role in expecting appropriate services and
Share your Association with a friend. The old motto,
"if you like us, tell a friend. If you don't, tell us instead" is
especially appropriate for the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. When you get good customer service,
you want to share it with your peers. If not, let us know your dissatisfaction
immediately. Exceptional customer service is a win-win situation
for all. Expect only the best from the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. and you'll get it!
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Who is A REALTOR®?
A REALTOR® is a professional
in the real estate business who voluntarily subscribes to a strict
Code of Ethics. The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. provides you with educational classes and seminars to help
inform you about the continually changing real estate industry.
Real estate professionals must be knowledgeable in many different
areas: Lead Paint, Urea Formaldehyde Foam Insulation (UFFI), Chapter
21E (Hazardous Waste), Chapter 93A (Consumer Protection), Chapter
91 (waterfront structures), Fair Housing, and Agency, to name just
a few. The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. provides you with ongoing education courses so you will continually
be successful.
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REALTOR® Mission Statement
The purpose of the Cape Cod & Islands Association
of REALTORS®, Inc. is to unite and serve those involved
in the real estate industry in our region and work in concert with
the Massachusetts Association of REALTORS® and the
National Association of REALTORS®:
- To exert a beneficial influence upon
the real estate industry.
- To maintain, promote and enforce high
standards of ethics, conduct and practice in a cooperative environment
so as to serve the public with competence and professionalism.
- To protect and enhance the Members'
freedom and ability to conduct their individual businesses successfully.
- To protect and promote, through collective
action, the rights and interests of real property ownership.
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. is a professional real estate trade association, comprised
of its total membership and includes a Board of Directors, which
is the policy making body for the Association.
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. encourages your participation in the Association so that you
may have the opportunity for continued personal growth while being
part of the Association's decision making process. In turn, your
participation results in a viable, progressive and active Association
to which you are proud to belong.
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A Brief History Of The Cape Cod & Islands
Association Of REALTORS®, Inc.
Partially researched by the late 1969-1970
CC&IAOR President Helen M. Webster
In the 1920's, Cape Cod was discovered by the land
promoters. All kinds of signs blossomed everywhere. Land values
jumped sky-high, especially waterfront. Real Estate offices opened
up all over Hyannis as if by magic. Cape Cod was involved in a land
boom. It was in this atmosphere the Cape Cod Real Estate Board was
formed. A preliminary meeting was called by Jim Henderson at the
Ferguson House (this stood where the Cape Cod Times and Cape Cod
Bank & Trust Co. are) and was attended by 137 men and women
interested in Cape Cod development. A permanent organization meeting
was called March 20 with 158 members attending. At this meeting
$15,100 was pledged for advertising purposes with amounts ranging
from $100 to $1,050 from each individual or firm. Forris Norris
(who developed Oyster Harbors) was elected President. The group
incorporated April 30, 1926; received their National Charter, dated
April 23, 1926, and adopted a constitution and Bylaws.
During the first years, meetings were held every
two weeks at various hotels with an attendance of 100 to 300 people.
It cost $50 to join, with annual dues of $50. But things were not
always this rosy. The depression hit and in 1935, there were only
23 active members in the Association! But the Association survived
those tough times and in 1957, after a fifteen year battle, won
to have the License Law adopted by the Commonwealth, which allowed
Real Estate businesses to legally organize.
In 1987 the Association changed its name to the
Cape Cod & Islands Board of REALTORS®, Inc. to
reflect participation in the Board by its members on Nantucket and
Martha's Vineyard.
In 1998 the Association changed its name to the
Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. to more accurately reflect our function as a professional trade
The Cape Cod & Islands Association of REALTORS®,
Inc. is the second largest Association of REALTORS®
in Massachusetts, comprising over 12% of the membership of the Massachusetts
Association of REALTORS® and boasting a membership
of over 1,700 members. Our Members also belong to the National Association
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